Direct warping is the reason why I like my rigid-heddle loom.
So, one night I had an idea - why not use the direct warping method on a table loom.
And I tried.
To make my life at least a bit easier, I used thin 20/2 unmercerised cotton doubled.
Waffle napkins will be in tea-stain colour with a colourful twist.
Below are the colours I used.
Here is the direct warping in practice.
I threaded heddles and reed at the same time.
I thought this will be easier than using a warping board. My mistake!
Regardless all the difficulties and back pain, I have a successful finish. More than that - I managed to finish all the warping without a single mistake and my first 12 picks looked like a real waffle.
And here is my pretty stripes. I decided to make them only at one side of the napkin.