Sunday, January 25, 2015

Backstrap weaving. Second attempt

I am still trying to learn backstrap weaving. Laverne's work fascinates me. I moved to the next lesson of her e-book and made a short tape using three patterns on one warp. Although I made a mistake, I still like the result.


And back

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Inkle loom debut

I have a very nice tradition - a new loom for a new year!
This year I was blessed with Schacht Inkle loom.
It was a kit from Woolery with a set of tablets for card weaving and a pines pattern.
So, my first inkle loom project happened to be a card weaving as well.
Luckily it was a success.
1.5 m warp resulted in 1.2 m of a nice looking belt.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Bonus dish cloth

My "hairy" dish cloth knitted from baker's twine towelettes'  cotton/linen warp loom waste.
Nothing will be wasted!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Baker's twine

With weaving I have developed a strange bias towards a rope section in any utility store. How one can pass a row of colourful baker's twines without buying one or... all of them.

I used them to weave five small kitchen towelettes.
Warp is left-over cotton/linen yarn doubled. I love to used double threads in my rigid-heddle loom - saves so much time. Warping in one go!

Now I have five tiny towels around 22x27 cm each.