Thursday, July 4, 2019


Question: How many spindle would be enough?
Answer: Maybe 42?
I bought two and I want more, because I am in love!
Mistral and Sirocco support spindles from Hipstrings. They are fabulous!
First using sample that came with the spindles to test them.

Now spinning cotton punis I hand-carded myself (that’s why they look so ugly).

1 comment:

  1. I love my support spindles too. In fact, it's time to dig them out for the Tour de Fleece. I always ask myself why I only use them in July because I really enjoy them but I suppose I just have too much else going on to fit them in the craft rotation.
    I love Hipstrings. I use their cotton all the time. I'll have to go check out your new spindles. They look like fun. I love that bowl.
